Kategorie: FAQ

  • Welche Unterlagen brauche ich für die Registrierung?

    What documents do I need for registration? Most brokers require you to upload a copy of your passport and proof of address not older than 3 months after registration for verification. Proof of address can be either an electricity, water or gas bill, telephone or internet bill, a bank receipt or an official document. It…

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  • Was ist Paper Trading?

    What is paper trading? The term “paper trading” comes from the stock market, where investors who wanted to practice would write their investment on a piece of paper and then follow the market movements.All new traders have certain concerns that come with worries about losing their money. Every type of trading carries risks and therefore…

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  • Was sagt die BAFIN zu Social Trading?

    What does BAFIN say about social trading? Our service falls under the common term: “SOCIAL TRADING”. The German Financial Market Authority “BAFIN” issued a statement on this dated February 13, 2017: https://www.bafin.de/DE/Verbraucher/Finanzwissen/Fintech/SocialTrading/social_trading_node.html

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  • Was ist Copy Trading oder Social Trading?

    What is copy trading or social trading? Social trading is a form of investing in which you (as a so-called “follower”) can view, discuss and replicate the investment strategies or portfolios of other members of a social network. 1. How does copy trading work?Copy trading in the test works with all common financial instruments such…

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  • Was ist FCT Trading?

    What is FCT Trading? We focused our research on Fibonacci sequences (Market Trading Institute Orlando/Florida) and channel trading (see book “Far from Random” by Richard Lehmann). This resulted in our 800-page book “Fibonacci-Channel-Trendline-Trading”. We then implemented the entire knowledge from the book in a computer program code C # in 4000 lines. Our redundant data…

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  • Was ist ein Broker?

    What is a broker? A broker is an independent, licensed company (financial service provider), which is usually subject to financial supervision and which carries out financial transactions on behalf of third parties. These transactions involve a variety of asset classes, including stocks, foreign exchange (Forex) and many others. A broker usually charges a commission for…

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In keinem Fall haften wir (fct.trading) für Verluste oder Schäden jeglicher Art (einschließlich Folgeschäden oder indirekte Schäden oder entgangenen Gewinn), die durch Copy-Trading entstehen können. Der Handel mit Finanzprodukten (wie Devisen, Differenzkontrakte, Aktien, Optionen) kann mit einem hohen Risiko verbunden sein.