Kategorie: FAQ

  • Wie werden die Gebühren gezahlt?

    How are the fees paid? The fees are automatically deducted from you at the beginning of the month retrospectively for the previous month. You don’t have to do anything else. When you make a withdrawal, the fees are automatically calculated for the period since the last settlement.

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  • Wie hoch sind die Gebühren fürs Kopieren?

    What are the fees for copying? A management fee of just 0.5% (cTrader) of the capital employed is charged once a year. Every month, a performance fee of 27% accrues on the profits made. Otherwise no further fees will be charged.

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  • Kann ich Geld herausnehmen oder weiteres Geld einzahlen?

    Can I withdraw money or deposit more money? Yes. You have the option to withdraw money or deposit money into the account at any time. You will find detailed instructions in the instructions.

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  • Kann ich jederzeit wieder kündigen?

    Can I cancel at any time? Yes. You can stop copying at any time. Then all open positions are will be closed.

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  • What is the minimum amount?

    What is the minimum amount for cTrader? The minimum amount is $15,000. Unfortunately, if the minimum amount is not there, you will not be able to start copying. The minimum amount is necessary to prevent the trades from being copied in the wrong proportion. This is for your safety.

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  • Was ist ein Pip?

    What is a pip? A pip is a measure of movement in forex trading, defined as the smallest movement a currency can make. The literal meaning of pip is “point in percentage” and describes the smallest possible, standardized movement of a currency quote. Pips are typically used by traders to calculate the spread between the…

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  • Warum sehe ich keine SYS99 Trades bei Telegram FCT Robo Trading Signals?

    Why am I not seeing SYS99 trades on Telegram FCT Robo Trading Signals? Telegram FCT Robo Trading Signals only shows trades made by the robot on its own. If a trade with SYS99 is shown in the history, then it is a manual trade executed by a trader. These are not published in Telegram Signals.

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  • Was ist Risk of Ruin?

    What is risk of ruin? With Myfxbook you have the possibility to calculate the risk of ruin (https://www.myfxbook.com/forex-calculators/risk-of-ruin-calculator). The risk of ruin calculator is an advanced tool for evaluating the probability of losing a trading system. By inputting the system’s metrics, you can calculate the probability of hitting a specific drawdown or ruin. What’s the…

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  • Was versteht man unter Martingale Trading?

    What is Martingale Trading? The theory behind the Martingale strategy is a negative progression system where you increase your position size after suffering a loss. In particular, you double your position size after a loss, while you decrease your stake again after a win.

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  • Was versteht man unter Grid Trading?

    What is grid trading? Grid trading is when orders are placed above and below a set price, creating a grid of orders at incrementally increasing and decreasing prices. Grid trading is most commonly associated with the foreign exchange market.

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In keinem Fall haften wir (fct.trading) für Verluste oder Schäden jeglicher Art (einschließlich Folgeschäden oder indirekte Schäden oder entgangenen Gewinn), die durch Copy-Trading entstehen können. Der Handel mit Finanzprodukten (wie Devisen, Differenzkontrakte, Aktien, Optionen) kann mit einem hohen Risiko verbunden sein.