Kategorie: FAQ

  • Wird das Copy Trading auch manchmal gestoppt, z.B. über die Weihnachtsfeiertage?

    Does copy trading sometimes stop, e.g. over the Christmas holidays? No, the robots work every day that there is a trade on the Forex. Without exception. Excluding (religious) holidays. 24/5 The only reason we have to suspend trading could be that there are technical issues such as internet failure or hardware and/or software issues. In…

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  • Was ist ein Margin Call?

    What is a margin call? The margin call describes the warning that a trader receives when the amount of money in the account or the margin has fallen below the minimum amount required to keep the position(s) open. Put simply, it means the trader has to spend more money to keep the positions open or…

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  • Was ist Margin?

    What is margin? Margin is the amount required to open and maintain a leveraged trading position. It is the difference between the full value of your position and the capital provided to you by a broker or leverage provider. The margin is the deposit required to use leverage products. Using leverage can allow you to…

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  • How can I change the leverage?

    How can I change the leverage (IC Markets)? When registering, a leverage of 1:500 is usually set. If you want to change this you can login to IC Markets and go to Accounts. There you can click on Change Leverage for your desired cTrader account and select a different leverage. We use a leverage of…

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  • Was bedeutet Leverage (Hebelwirkung)?

    What does leverage mean? Leverage, also called leverage or leverage effect, allows you to trade with more money than you have. In forex trading, traders can “borrow” capital from a forex broker and thus trade much larger positions than the actual size of their trading account would allow. The leverage effect, also known as the…

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  • Gibt es ein Draw Down Ausstiegsszenario – max. Verlust / Trade?

    Is there a draw down exit scenario – max loss/trade? We have set a stop loss on each of our trades. As a rule, this is 5% of the capital. This means that you cannot lose more than 5% of your own capital per trade.

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  • Was soll ich beim Eigenkapital Stop-Loss einstellen?

    What should I set for equity stop loss? We already have a stop loss on all our positions. It is therefore not absolutely necessary to set the equity stop-loss. However, if you feel more confident, you can set an equity stop loss. We do not give out any recommendations, it always depends on you how…

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  • Was bedeutet Equity Stop Loss in cTrader?

    What does Equity Stop Loss mean in cTrader? If equity falls below the specified level, copying will stop and all open positions will be closed. You can change this value by clicking on the arrow to the right of Add Funds in the Investment Statistics in cTrader and selecting Set Equity Stop Loss.

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  • Was passiert mit den erwirtschafteten Profiten oder realisierten Verlusten?

    What happens to the realized profits or losses? The profits made or realized losses change the customers’ equity and thus increase or reduce their equity. The amount of capital invested per trade is therefore always adjusted to the changed equity of the customer.

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  • In meinem Account stehen jetzt 0 EUR, nachdem ich das Copy Trading gestartet habe!

    My account is showing 0 EUR after I started copy trading! This is correct. The money is now on a sub account only for copy trading and therefore not available for manual trading. Therefore 0 EUR is displayed. Despite this, you still have full control over your money, you can withdraw, deposit or stop copying.…

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In keinem Fall haften wir (fct.trading) für Verluste oder Schäden jeglicher Art (einschließlich Folgeschäden oder indirekte Schäden oder entgangenen Gewinn), die durch Copy-Trading entstehen können. Der Handel mit Finanzprodukten (wie Devisen, Differenzkontrakte, Aktien, Optionen) kann mit einem hohen Risiko verbunden sein.