How is the performance fee calculated? performanceFee = (unrealizedPnL + realizedNetPnL – management Fee – highWaterMark) * pfPercentage The HighWaterMark is not based on your Balance but on your Equity. ( If the account’s equity is below the HWM, then no fees are charged.) This is the link for further information >
How do I create a cTrader Copy account statement? 1. Go to your cTrader dashboard and click on strategy name (left menu: copy –> FCT Robo Trading/FCT Trading Hybrid). 2. Open the ‘History’ tab 3. Select your time period 4. Click on “Statement” You can now save it as a PDF when you click “Print”.
What happens if a follower of a strategy stops following a strategy due to losses in that strategy but restarts following the same strategy later in a few weeks / months? What happens to the high-water mark here? For strategies that are stopped restarted, the previous watermark is preserved. This means that after the restart you only…
When NOT to Start or Quit Copy Trading? The forex ends its day at 5pm New York time. We do not recommend starting or ending copy trading between 4pm and 7pm New York time as spreads are up to 10x higher during this time. Here is a link where you can see that: For example,…
Does the team have to be constantly on the lookout, prepared for change and remain flexible? You always have to be on the lookout. Always ready for something to change. Our systems are tested for the last eleven years. They have held up, even in reality since June 2020. On the contrary, the system is…
Why does it sometimes happen that a trade is not made in my account, but it is in the strategy provider account? Answer: Below is ICMarkets’ answer. We have checked your trade and can see that your order was rejected by the system with the error “Failed to fill any volume from liquidity sources.” This…
What kind of systems are we trading? At the moment we are working with 11 different systems. Here is a brief description of each system: SYS1:Here we work with the MACD indicator on the 2h timeframe, which serves as a trigger to find a 123 entry.Based on optimizations, the system decides itself whether to add…
Why do transactions show dividends for US500? A dividend adjustment is applied to a share or index CFD position in the event of a dividend payment occurring in the underlying share or share constituent of an index. The ex-dividend date is the day a stock starts trading without its dividend payment. In the case of…
How is ROI calculated at cTrader? According to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS), cTrader Copy applies the time-weighted ROI calculation method (TWR). The TWR method supposes that cash inflows, cash outflows, and amounts invested over different periods have no impact on the resulted value. The history of the account is divided into sub-periods, so…
Does my desktop application needs to be working all time after copying the strategy? Copying process takes place on the server so there is nothing you need to worry about. Your pc does not need to run.
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Wir handeln verantwortungsbewusst und gehen nur geringe Risiken ein, dennoch kann es zu Verlusten kommen. Sie sind für die Transaktionen auf Ihrem Konto verantwortlich. Sie sollten nicht mit dem Kopierhandel beginnen, es sei denn, Sie sind bereit, Ihr gesamtes Geld oder einen großen Teil davon zu verlieren.
In keinem Fall haften wir ( für Verluste oder Schäden jeglicher Art (einschließlich Folgeschäden oder indirekte Schäden oder entgangenen Gewinn), die durch Copy-Trading entstehen können. Der Handel mit Finanzprodukten (wie Devisen, Differenzkontrakte, Aktien, Optionen) kann mit einem hohen Risiko verbunden sein.